The website for author Alan Cork, you can find out information about his latest publication, The Church of Black Sparrows…
The Church of Black Sparrows
Those faint whispers suddenly turned to loud mocking laughter in Hoad’s head. The picture of Quincy Pitt really looked alive and moving now. The eyes were becoming larger and larger until they bored into his brain. The mouth was yawning open to reveal more of those beast like teeth. And as the poison filled their brains and lungs so sanity left them…
Ronan Bell is a placid unimaginative antiques restorer whose humdrum life is suddenly turned on its head. He finds himself sucked into the world of Satanism and Witchcraft, compounded when his long estranged wife, Estelle, comes back into his life. She is under the spell of Felix Hoad, head of the all powerful QPL Corporation, and as Ronan tried to take on the mighty QPL, he is drawn into a battle that could destroy him. Each path he takes leads to madness, murder and the Church of Black Sparrows.

About Alan

Life has been a rollercoaster ride but it has been fun. I was born Anthony John DesBois in March 1944 during the height of the second world war and given up for adoption. Ten months later in January 1945 I was adopted and my name was changed to Alan Leslie Cork.
I left school aged 14 with no qualifications and began full time work at just 15 for the Co-op.
I was a bit of a bookworm with an interest in writing but for the first ten years of my life I was without focus. I changed jobs every few months and moved from one rented flat to another. I passed two exams during this time; I passed my driving test first time, funny because I had no interest in cars or driving, and, following night classes, I qualified as a book keeper.
Then in 1968 when I was 24 and planning to join many of my friends in emigrating to Australia I was offered my first job in journalism. I became assistant editor on Pottery Gazette, a trade magazine. Not long after I joined the small old fashioned company that published Pottery Gazette it was taken over by a much bigger publishing corporation. My working life since then became a blur of take overs, mergers and office moves from North London and South London and all places in between. I went from being an Editor to a Managing Editor over various magazine titles including; Solid Fuel; Refrigeration and Air Conditioning; Shoe & Leather News; Hospital Equipment and Supplies; and PPCJ Polymers, Paint, and Colour Journal. The last seven years of my working life was as Managing Editor at DMG World Media – Daily Mail Group. My job expanded to include the organising of exhibitions and planning and chairing overseas conferences.
In semi-retirement I lectured at the University of Greenwich and for three years I was a governor at Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust.
In all I worked full time for 50 years. I am a lifetime member of the National Union of Journalists.
I am a widower with a son and daughter and three grandchildren and I live in South London.
Now I am off down a new path as an author of full length horror novels.